Monday 16 September 2013

Download free whatsapp for PC, Laptop and Windows

You can Download free whatsapp for PC directly

STEP by STEP guide to Download free whatsapp for PC 
Step 1 :
Initially you have to download Bluestacks from the above link.
Step 2 :
After complete the downloading, you need to install it on your PC.
Step 3 :
You would have a separate icon of this Bluestacks on your desktop. Double click on it and launch it.
Step 4 :
You could see a number of apps there on the home page of this Bluestacks along with a search box.
Step 5 :
Enter “WhatsApp” in the search box and it would be there to be installed on your PC.
Step 6 :
Click on to the download and install option from Bluestacks and Download free whatsapp for PC. After a few minutes it would be there to use it from your PC.
Step 7 :
Launch the installed WhatsApp app from your Bluestacks platform Download free whatsapp for PC. (There is no any special skill required to use this app. You could use this as same as like you’re using it from your smartphones)
Step 8 :
Enter your mobile number on which you would receive a confirmation code.
Step 9 :
After receiving the code, enter the code and start using this amazing IM app from your PC.

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